Albuquerque Alcoholics Anonymous

About Central Office of Albuquerque

Office Hours

When we do: M-F 9am-6pm Sat/Sun 9am-3pm

Where we do: 1921 Alvarado Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110

 What We Do

Central Office of Albuquerque exists to coordinate the work of groups of Alcoholics Anonymous in and around the Albuquerque area. Our primary purpose, like all of Alcoholics Anonymous, is to help anyone with a drinking problem achieve sobriety. We do this by:

  1. Having a telephone that a “live alcoholic” answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to help the alcoholic who wants to stop drinking.
  2. Maintaining a schedule of meetings in the Districts we support in Central New Mexico, and publishing this schedule both on paper and on our website.
  3. Sell literature and other materials approved by Alcoholics Anonymous.
  4. Maintain a Media Library, and a list of on-line recordings of A.A. speaker events.
  5. Serve as a clearinghouse of information for all A.A. groups, report group activities, and events of area wide interest.
  6. Provide information about Alcoholics Anonymous to those who request it, by phone, by mail, or by email.

We have a small office that is managed by our Coordinator and Alternate Coordinator. Volunteers work at the office to answer the phone and make sales of the materials we have in inventory.

Our governing body is the Intergroup, comprised of group- and district-selected representatives. Intergroup meets once monthly. Intergroup sets policy. The Steering Committee of Central Office is composed of trusted servants who have specific duties (such as Treasurer, Schedule Editor, and Website Editor), make some management decisions about Central Office, and report to the Intergroup.

What We Sell

We sell all literature approved by the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous, including publications produced by The Grapevine. We also sell sobriety chips, meeting materials (e.g., wall charts of the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions), and much more. You can see the price list here. We accept checks, credit cards, and cash.

Price List

How You Can Help

Central Office “exists to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.” In order to accomplish this, your support is vital. Central Office needs Financial Support and Volunteer Support. You can learn about volunteer opportunities a little further down the page.

Financial Support

Central Office

Support for the Central Office comes via monetary contributions comes in many ways:

  1. Direct financial contributions from A.A. groups.
  2. Contributions from individual members up to $3,000 yearly. Your accountant or tax professional can advise on potential tax deductions.
  3. Proceeds from sales of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services and Grapevine literature and other related A.A. material.
  4. Special events by and for A.A. members, keeping in mind our Seventh Tradition.

Our latest Profit and Loss statements are further down this page. You can make a direct financial contribution to Central Office as follows:

Contribute via PayPal

Please click the “I’m a Member” button to make a donation to Central Office via PayPal (You will exit this site and return to it once your transaction is complete).


Alternatively, you may make a contribution via QR code:





Contribute via Venmo

Please click the “I’m a Member” button to make a donation to Central Office via Venmo (You will exit this site and return to it once your transaction is complete).

Alternatively, you may make a contribution via QR code:


Mail or Drop-Off Contribution

  1. Contribute with a secure credit card transaction at the Central Office.
  2. Make a monetary contribution via check or money order, payable to Central Office of Albuquerque. Mail or drop off in person at:

Central Office
1921 Alvarado Drive, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110


Bank – Auto Pay or Bill Pay

Faithful Fiver” or “Trusted Tenner,” who contribute either $5 or $10 monthly. Set up Auto Pay or Bill Pay with your bank to automatically send us a monthly contribution in any amount you choose. Use our street address shown immediately above.

Central Office Financial Statements

G.S.O. Contributions: New, Separate Address

The General Service Board of A.A. recently announced that they have a new Post Office Box for contributions. Box 459 remains the address for general correspondence with G.S.O. Effective immediately, please send contribution checks to:

Post Office Box 2407
James A Farley Station
New York, NY 10116-2407

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Volunteer Support

Desk Workers

Central Office cannot be fully effective without volunteers. We need Desk Workers, who work a regular shift, answer phone calls, and sell A.A. merchandise. This is a great opportunity to help the alcoholic in need. Sharing your experience, strength, and hope with a desperate alcoholic is truly one of the best ways to carry the message. Call Central Office at (505) 266-1900 to find which shifts are available.

To apply to become a Desk Worker, please drop by the office and ask for the application. Applications must be made in-person. You will receive the required training from the Coordinator, Alternate Coordinator, or an experienced volunteer.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is a committee that monitors and supports the overall operations of the Central Office. Members are expected to attend monthly meetings of Intergroup, which consists of representatives of groups listed in our Meeting Schedule. The current roster of Steering Committee members is here.

The list of Steering Committee positions and their responsibilities, are available here. Currently we need to fill the following Steering Committee positions:

  • Accessibilities Chair: Vacant (term ends 2025
  • Media Librarian: Vacant (term ends 2024)

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Districts, Intergroup, Steering Committee, and Bylaws

Central Office of Alcoholics Anonymous in Albuquerque supports several Districts (the level of organization above Groups and Clubs).

Albuquerque Districts

Each District has a representative to Intergroup. All Albuquerque area Groups are encouraged to elect an Intergroup Representative.

Albuquerque Intergroup

Albuquerque Intergroup serves A.A. in the greater Albuquerque area. Intergroup is the organization that formally oversees the operation of Central Office. Join us at the next Intergroup meeting, held the second Sunday of every month. at 2:00 p.m. Here are the remaining dates for 2025:

  • February 9
  • March 9
  • April 13
  • May 11
  • June 15
  • July 13
  • August 10
  • September 14
  • October 12
  • November 9
  • December 14


Steering Committee Members

Intergroup Chairs

(Note: Terms end December 31 of each given calendar year.)


Bylaws, Other Links, and A.A. Guidelines

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