Albuquerque Alcoholics Anonymous

Welcome to Albuquerque Alcoholics Anonymous

You are welcome to talk to someone 24/7

Call Us

Yes, welcome. We are glad you are here. If you need to stop drinking, we can help. Click on the Blue links for the ride of your life.

Newcomers …or… Find a Meeting Now

Online Meetings …This is best if you have been drinking today. Driving is not a good idea.

Medical professionals… Doctors, Counselors etc…

Announcements…Calls for art, Save the date, Planning meetings

Events…Displays flyers for upcoming Fun, Food & Fellowship.

About Central OfficeProducts & Materials, Service Opportunities, Donations, the Steering Committee, Financial Statements, and Administrative Guidelines.

About A.A.… Everything you need to know.

Pass-It-On The March issue is now available.

To post your event flyer, email

Scroll down to read the latest news.

Karl B. is the new Central Office Coordinator

Central Office is now accepting applications for Alternate Coordinator

Read more here

The updated meeting schedules are now available at Central Office

Get them while supplies last. Still only 25¢

You can also download the Meeting Guide App for free!

It’s Here! The Plain Language Big Book is here! You are welcome!

In Plain language, swing by Central Office and pick one up.

This is another way people at Alcoholic Anonymous Albuquerque quit drinking.

Welcome to Alcoholics Anonymous Albuquerque quit drinking hand book cover

Again, Welcome to Albuquerque Alcoholics Anonymous

Make yourself at home. Maybe some of your friends are already here; maybe friends from the past or friends from the future, but today someone is here to help. Several people have tried to quit drinking on their own. That can be tough. This is a “We” program. We are all here to help. All you have to do is ask.